Robotics Club is a newly established club in CGHS. They had their first meeting at the start of the school year but they didn’t have the electronics to do the club. Now, they got the electronics from a sponsoring committee called Brilliant Labs! They also got the special help from Mr. Trevor, our vice principal. So, the first meeting went amazing. There were around 10 people in the first Robotics club meeting and it was a total success!!! We did our first project named LED ON OFF which just consisted of turning on an LED and turning it off through Arduino Uno. Everyone enjoyed the meeting and had fun.
One misconception about Robotics Club is that you need to already know about electronics but it’s unnecessary . The Robotics Club was only formed to teach beginners but we give the experienced people a warm welcome! We start from the basics so anybody can learn it. We used advanced learning styles and techniques to teach the class efficiently. We all are living in an age of automation and electronics. So it is only fair to have an upper hand at this and you may even figure out your passion or your career!
We use a microcontroller which is like the brain of the human body. It gives out signals to anything like an LED, sensors, rotor, or any load. Robotics is an exponentially growing field.
There are hundreds of opportunities in Robotics. Some of them are VEX Robotics, Science Fair, Innovation Fair, Skills Canada Competition, First Inspires Robotics Competition, and many hundreds more!
We always have room for more people to form a community!
Written by: Dhairya Purbia
Photos taken from: Dhairya Purbia
Reviewed by: Ariel Wu, Liew Gorman, Arabella Slote, Nancy Milton
Published by: Ariel Wu